Saturday, August 20, 2011


Bikes are all over Japan.  They aren't toys and they aren't used to stay fit, they are for transportation.  Our team has enjoyed riding them and we feel like kids again.  Unfortunately with all the bikes and vehicles on the road accidents happen.  Our boy "Mango" aka Josh Van Lindenberg got hit by a taxi.  He was knocked off the bike onto his wrist but wasn't seriously hurt because he's so tough (or at least that's how he explains it).  The taxi driver and the taxi driver's boss took him to the hospital the next day to get his wrist x-rayed.  The bike took the brunt of the damage and the taxi driver has to take a leave of absence (Japanese policy).  It was a reminder to be careful and how fragile life is.  Any one of us at any moment can be hurt or killed doing everyday things and its so important to be in the grip of God's grace and know Christ as our savior.  Thanks for the lesson Josh!

Here's some crazy pics of Japan and their bikes off the web and then a pic of Josh's broken bike.

They have bike parking lots & bicycle parking garages.

Japan's version of the running of the bulls.

Josh had some angels around him for sure...

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